Mehta Fellowships

Mehta Fellowships to PROMYS

Mehta Fellows at PROMYS 2022
Mehta Fellows at PROMYS 2022

The Tara and Jasubhai Mehta Fellowship program owes its existence and funding to the generosity and vision of Nick Nash & Phalgun Raju, Avi & Sandra Nash, the Indira Foundation, and who are also the founding sponsors for PROMYS India, for which the Mehta Fellowships to PROMYS were the pilot program.

We were very excited to launch PROMYS India in 2023 in partnership with the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore.  The new program is open to applicants from across India and its establishment has drawn upon the experience of returning students and counselors who have been Mehta Fellows at PROMYS at Boston University. PROMYS India 2024 ran at IISc from May 5 – June 15.

PROMYS India 2023

Thanks to the Nash Family and other partners and sponsors, all students at PROMYS India are awarded full scholarships covering tuition, housing, and meals. In addition, applicants may apply for need-based funding for travel and laundry expenses. Students from India who would need financial aid to attend PROMYS, should apply instead to PROMYS India. Mehta Fellowships to PROMYS in Boston will no longer be offered to students from India now that PROMYS India has been launched.

Please contact Julia Rolnick at with any questions about the Mehta Fellowships or PROMYS India.

Selected Quotes from Mehta Fellows to PROMYS

“For anyone who wants to know the beauty of maths, let me tell you, PROMYS is the best place…The highlight of the program was surely the people; the friendships that we made here are going to be with us for the rest of our lives!” Sara Ahire

“PROMYS is truly a wonderful program, students not only learn a whole lot of mathematics but also learn how to approach mathematics in a much more exploratory manner. It is very intensive but also a very rewarding experience.” Siddharth Choppara

“PROMYS helped me to see the world with the eyes of an artist who can create stunning conjectures from scratch and more importantly prove them.” Ahmed Metwally

“In my school, getting a correct answer is all that matters – but in PROMYS, it was rather our work and interest that mattered – our willingness to work with others and trying to find answers. It was the process that was important.” Krittika Garg

“At PROMYS, students don’t just learn mathematics, they learn how to think.” Haran Mouli

“I didn’t expect any summer program would be that intense. It not only developed my mathematical way of thinking but also my persistence level was enhanced drastically… During the program I was able to make some life-long friendships with Mehta Fellows with some of them being so close that we have already started working on projects… People here are always ready to help each other, and all of them are very down to earth.”  Swayam Chaulagain

“Usually, in our school days, we are taught what is written in books and the same comes in exams and we don’t think much about that, but I think PROMYS is like the beginning of a phase where you can think on your own and give your ideas, and learn how a mathematician thinks and gives his theories.” Abhishek Yadav

“Mathematically, rigor and thinking deeply of simple things are the most important things I learnt. Apart from that, I learnt that mathematics is a lot more collaborative than it seems to be.” Smitali Bhandari

“The best part about PROMYS is that it isn’t about how much you know, but about your will to learn more. The community PROMYS offers is so amazing – everyone is so supportive and understood me so well. It was great. Thanks Mehta Sponsors for making this possible.” Bhumika Mittal

“The habit of questioning everything and not taking anything for granted helped me not only in math but also in general problem solving.” Achyut Bharadwaj